QRM Training And Coaching

Only on condition that the entire organization the concept and understand the theory of QRM, the competitiveness of your production can huge boost get through QRM training in theory and practice Quick Response Manufacturing is the answer to your challenges today!

You can perfectly anticipate what the customer wants.

You can also call on our expertise through in-house training and consulting tailored to your organization.

QRM Introduction Workshop

No space for weeks to make quite a long time for the QRM Introduction Workshop? No problem! During our QRM Introduction Workshop is the QRM theory professor Rajan Suri in his book “It’s About Time” is described briefly taught in just two days!

During this QRM Introduction Workshop, we test the theory with practice through the development of a business case. In this way, not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience students do all that they can then apply in their own work environment.

The QRM Introduction Workshop consists of two day sessions, 9h to 17h, at the offices of Ackinas, Prince Boudewijnlaan 30, 2550 Kontich.Price: €900 with course materials included, 50% subsidized by the KMO portefeulle.

Upcoming QRM summer class sessions

  • December 15 – Day 1
  • December 16 – Day 2

Registration for QRM Introduction Workshop

QRM Bachelor Training

QRM theory Professor Rajan Suri in his book “It’s About Time has described, during the QRM Bachelor training in detail scrutinized on the basis of 8 sessions.

During this training QRM we test the theory in practice through the development of a business case . In this way, not only theoretical knowledge but also do all students experience they then can apply in their own work environment .

The training for the next edition, already completed with some Financial Basics from the book The Monetary Value of Time by professor Joyce Warnacut.

Each session will evening instead of 18h to 21h in the Globis NV Training Centre.

Training € 1,600, of which 50% funded by the KMO portefeulle
Course materials € 180

Upcoming QRM Bachelor Training sessions with data & Topics

  • February 1, 2017 – The power of time
  • February 8, 2017 – Lead Reduction & MCT (Manufacturing Critical-Path Time)
  • February 15, 2017 – The client is the reference & FTMS (Focused Target Market Segments)
  • February 22, 2017 – The new organization & The QRM cell
  • March 8, 2017 – System Dynamics explains the need for spare capacity
  • March 15, 2017 – High Level Capacity Planning & POLCA – Dancing in the factory
  • March 22, 2017 – The value of time – Why traditional approach makes your customers wait
  • March 29, 2017 – An enterprise-wide approach & practical implementation

Registration for QRM Bachelor Training

QRM Master Training

Do you already experience with QRM (through our Summer Class Bachelor training or other external training) and wishes professional consulting & amp; Support with Training that handle your problems thoroughly?

During our QRM Master Training we offer you all this, and more! You choose a QRM project within your own organization that we together will run over a period of 10 months

The program includes 10 theoretical training and 4 days support at your site, with the possibility of obtaining additional days support if desired!

The combination of Theoretical & amp; practical help, maximizes the chances of success of your project QRM!

Each session has a duration 3 hours , and continues in the Globis NV Training Centre. Price:
Training € 3,000, of which 50% funded by the SME portfolio
Course materials € 180

Upcoming QRM Master Training sessions with key data

  • September 29 – Kick-Off Master Training Range
  • 30 september – 28 Soon – QRM Master Project within your organization (8 sessions + 4 days onsite support)
  • June 29 – Valve QRM Master Training

Registration for QRM Master Training

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